How does the voting process work?
The vote will be managed by an independent third party called CorpVote. If you own Bricks in the Trust that holds the property immediately before the meeting is called, you will be eligible to vot...
How will the property be sold?
The property will be sold through an independent real estate agent that is based in the local area. The property will be sold at market value, at or above an agreed reserve price.
What are the costs of selling the property and winding up the Trust?
The typical costs of selling a property include real estate agent fees, marketing costs, legal fees and costs associated with the wind-up of the trust. All costs will be disclosed and will be dedu...
Will I continue to receive distributions for a property while it is being considered for sale?
Where distributions continue to be available, BrickX will continue to make these available to members. The final distribution will be paid following the settlement of the property sale and pay...
How will the final distribution for a Brick be calculated?
The final distribution payable for each Brick will be calculated as follows: Property Sale Price + Cash Reserve + Contingency – Cost of Sale – Trust wind-up costs ...